Imię : Lukas
Nick/poprzednie nicki : Pilf, 94
Miejsce zamieszkania : Czech republic, Usti n.L.
Szybkość łącza internetowego: 6 Mb/s
Wiek i rok urodzenia : 15, 1994
Doświadczenie (Pobyt w innych klanach) : BkM, U, BB, RTS, Ask.. Now I´ve been clanless for more than 4 months to prove I´m not just clanwhore anymore.
Dlaczego chcesz się przyłączyć do RSAH? : Because you´re well known and I just want to be your member.
Jak długo grasz w SA-MP? : Around 1-3 hours per week, I know it´s not much, but I hope it won´t be problem.
W jakie gry grywasz po za GTA:SA-MP? : I don´t really know what you mean by this question.
Czy znasz kogoś z klanu (jak tak to kogo?) : I have just seen few of your members playing on GTAT or on RSAH server. I also remember Grey from U.
Czy masz mikrofon? : Yeah sure.
Czy posiadasz program Ventrilo? : Yes.
Czy masz kamerę internetową? : Nope, I don´t need it.
Kontakt (GG i Xfire) : Xfire: pilf4r
Ile czasu dziennie poświęcasz na grę? : I can play when I ain´t doing some stuff to school, when I´m not hanging around with my friends, or when I´m not enjoying some sport.
Czy chodzisz po serwerach i pytasz się ludzi o solówki? : No.
Czy grywasz na serwerach typu High Skill prezentując tam swój niski poziom intelektualny? : Nah.
Czy jesteś homo? ; Nope.
Czy liczysz sobie solówki, aby potem się chwalić, że wygrałeś z kimś np. 3-2? : Not at all.
Czy nazywasz kogoś cziterem, aimerem lub bugerem jeżeli z Tobą wygra? : It´s just a game, I don´t care, so why insult them.
Jeżeli odpowiedziałeś na któreś pytanie wyżej "tak", to czy na pewno nie jesteś homo?: Of course, I´m not.
Czy wiesz, kto założył RSAH? Jeżeli tak to podaj tą osobę : DonGiant.
Jaki jest Twój ulubiony kolor? : Black or green, can´t choose.
Pokażesz swoje zdjęcie? : If it´s needed.
Miałeś/aś kiedyś dziewczynę/chłopaka? : I had, but at this time I´m single meh.
Jeżeli tak, to jaki miała/miał kolor włosów? : Blond.
Ile razy dziennie myjesz zęby?: Normally 2 times.
Jakiej słuchasz muzyki?: Rock, DnB..
Próbowałeś/aś kiedyś skoczyć z okna? : No.
Co sądzisz o uwolnieniu krasnali ogrodowych?: Hate them.
Czy jesteś gotowy na wpadanie w kłopoty?: What trouble do you mean.
Jak się dzisiaj czujesz?: Fine.
Jaki jest Twój ulubiony alkohol?: Vodka
Jaki masz stosunek do naszych sojuszników?: Not bad I hope.
Czy odejdziesz z klanu jeżeli ktoś reaktywuje Twój najlepszy, bądź Twój kumpel będzie chciał założyć z Tobą nowy?: I don´t know.
Jakie będzie Twoje nastawienie do klanu, jeżli Twoje podane zostanie zamknięte w trybie przyspieszonym?: Depends on situation.
Co zrobisz jeżeli zostaniesz wyrzucony z klanu z własnej przyczyny?: Still don´t know,
Jaki jest Twój stan psychiczny?: Good I hope.
Czy zniesiesz obelgi na Twój temat, podczas rozmów na Ventrilo?: I don´t care.
Jaką masz średnią?: What what I mean ?! Goddamn.
Czy sądzisz, że tak długie podanie to dowcip? : Yeah.
Jeżeli tak sądzisz, to czy na pewno chcesz być w RSAH? : Ofc I´m sure. That´s why I´m doing this. Have been thinkin for a while about this.
And if it will help, here is one of my videos: , and much more of them can you find here:
I do not know you but you seem to be cool. I don't know what I can say. I'm neutral at the moment. Play with them, perhaps I will change my mind!
Neznám tě, ale nemůźu být neutrální.
I´m trying to hang around..
duzo lepszy typ na membera niz jakis convers
Okamźitě jsem se spojit s vámi trochu GTAT, +1
Hey pilf, gl man
thanks, thanks..
Heheheh, no.
thanks for some opinions..and I´m also trying to join to RSAH gang on GTAT..haven´t been playing there for some time, but today I was there again..
11. [M2S] Menace 2 Society 24 28784
12. [WWT] White Wolf Team 16 27472
13. [LAC] Lethal Alliance Crew 18 26701
14. [RSAH] Reborn San Andreas Homies 17 26656i dont think GTA:T is RSAH's place to be, visit a spar sometime or go on HighSkill or Topserwer or something, i think thats davo's server, i dont know the ip of neither, excuses.
dobry komputer ma, to moze zagracie kiedys meczozaur z nagrywaniem
dobry komputer ma, to moze zagracie kiedys meczozaur z nagrywaniem Nigdy, przenigdy.
If anyone here wants to play sometimes, somewhere with me just say on Xfire
Well, I wanted to inform you about my few days inactivity..I´m gone to Italy for skiing and I´m coming back on 1.April..;)
Good luck, im pleading for you beeing denied, cheers.
Just came back, ready for some play..
good, you dindt check forum on your vacation, shows u dont care to much at sa-mp
good, you dindt check forum on your vacation, shows u dont care to much at sa-mp sorry I aint got PC everywhere..anyways whats going on ? I´m still playing with some members..havent seen you on SA:MP long time so dont say i dont care..
you dont get it.
if you read is carefully you say that you shoundt care about a game to much or it'd gets the best of you.
you dont get it.
if you read is carefully you say that you shoundt care about a game to much or it'd gets the best of you. I just have some other things to do, I think u know what I´m talking about..when I have some free time I´m hanging around ready for some game..if u think it like that ?!..
you dont get it, again you dont get it.
you dont get it, again you dont get it. so why dont explain it to me ..and nice trainings these days..
we had holidays during that weekend so there were no trainings
we had holidays during that weekend so there were no trainings I mean that train cw´s
I´m still waiting for some more opinions..I´m trying to play with you, how much I can..If is here anyone more who wants to know me more I´m a lot of time on Xfire
Do anyone here care about my app fo´real ? eh..
hey as a veteran i can say that recrutation go on by 1-2 months. you need patience like a patients in polish hospitals funded by government. ; )
hey as a veteran i can say that recrutation go on by 1-2 months. you need patience like a patients in polish hospitals funded by government. ; ) Sure I know this all..but I´m just saying that..nobody here really care about me..noone talking to me anytime, contacting me about trains, games together..this makes me a bit mad..
dajcie mu chociaż range gtat, jak nic nie macie do powiedzenia na jego temat.
hmm, Plif, i'll give u +1
but I wanna talk to u on Ventrillo sometimes
dajcie mu chociaż range gtat, jak nic nie macie do powiedzenia na jego temat.
hmm, Plif, i'll give u +1
but I wanna talk to u on Ventrillo sometimes thanks..I´ll try to join sometimes on vent ok..
not sometimes... always
-1 what about some I can know what am I doing bad meh.. and ..something more from my SA:MP history, so you can know something more about me, what sort of player I´m..;)
Do you play MTA sometimes or will you if RSAH begins?
Do you play MTA sometimes or will you if RSAH begins? Well I have tried it for few times, but I ain´t playin it regularly..I can try it if RSAH will begin playing there, but I´ll be still more SA:MP playa, then MTA, hope you understand..
hope you understandYea, thanks for your honesty.
hope you understandYea, thanks for your honesty. no problem
u have to install Ventrillo and talk to us during being ingame, othervise ur application will be denied, sorry for being so straightforward, but it's very important for us
u have to install Ventrillo and talk to us during being ingame, othervise ur application will be denied, sorry for being so straightforward, but it's very important for us Ofc I know..but as I said I have some prob with it atm and I don´t know how to solve it..that´s it..that problem is just and only with ur server so idk..
//Ah FINALLY problem solved and its working..I will be there everytime I´ll get in-game
Niech będzie +1
This is ACCEPTED, welcome!