Imie : Peter
Nick/poprzednie nicki : Egoist
Miejsce zamieszkania : Czech Republic
Szybko?a 3?cza : 6mb/s
Wiek i rok urodzenia : 17/1991
Do?wiadczenie (Pobyt w innych klanach) : AW 6 months; TeK 1 month; DoA 1 month (when AW crashed, I couldn?t find a clan where I could be ´´happy´´
Jak d3ugo grasz w MP (GTA) : 8 months
Dlaczego chcesz sie przy3?czya do RSAH? : Just because RSAH is very good clan and I want to be its member.
Czy znasz kogo? z klanu (jak tak to kogo?) : BurN, Shaker (I?m ally with them), Blawdziew, Evolution, Stefanos (I know you from gtat)
Czy masz mikrofon? : no
Czy posiadasz program Ventrilo? : yes
Czy masz kamere internetow?? : no
Kontakt (numer gg, ewentualnie e-mail) : MSN/email:
Ile czasu dziennie po?wiecasz na gre? : 1-4 hours
Czy chodzisz po serwerach i pytasz sie ludzi o solówki? : no
Czy jeste? homo? ; no
Czy liczysz sobie solówki, aby potem sie chwalia, ?e wygra3e? z kim? np 3-2?: no
Czy nazywasz kogo? cziterem, aimerem lub bugerem je?li z Tob? wygra? : It depends who it is
Je?eli odpowiedzia3e? na które? pytanie wy?ej "tak", to czy na pewno nie jeste? homo?: yes
Czy wiesz, kto za3o?y3 RSAH? Jak tak to powiedz. : nazgul?.?
Czy jeste? emo? : no
Jaki jest Twój ulubiony kolor? : violet
Poka?esz swoje zdjecie? : If u show me your photos, I can
Mia3e?/3a? kiedy? dziewczyne/ch3opaka? : girl
Je?li tak, to jaki mia3a/mia3 kolor w3osów? : brown
Ile razy dziennie myjesz zeby?: 2times
Jakiej s3uchasz muzyki?: rap/dnb
Probowa3e?/3a? kiedy? skoczya z okna? : no
Czy interesujesz sie grami komputerowymi i ogólnie informatyk??: A little
Jaki masz kolor oczu?: blue
Co s?dzisz o uwolnieniu krasnali ogrodowych?: ?
Czy jeste? gotowy na wpadanie w k3opoty?: ?
Jak sie dzisiaj czujesz?: If it means how am I, I?m fine
Jaki jest Twój ulubiony alkohol?: Finlandia vodka, Gin
Masa czy rze1ba?: ?
Jaki masz stosunek do naszych sojuszników?: I haven?t found some alliances at RSAH website
Jaki jest Twój stan psychiczny?: I don?t know
Czy zniesiesz obelgi na Twój temat, podczas rozmów na Ventrillo?: I will take it easy, if its just a joke.
Czy masz GTA IV?: no
Je?li nie masz to czy masz zamiar kupia?: no, I played it 2 days and I found it boring.
Czy odrobi3e? prace domow??: yes
Jak? masz ?redni? ?: ?
Jaki jest stan maj?tkowy twoich rodziców?: I think its good
Czy s?dzisz, ?e tak d3ugie podanie to dowcip? : ?
Je?li tak s?dzisz, to czy na pewno chcesz bya w RSAH? : I?m sure I want.
´´???´´ means I couldnt translate question. I understand PL a little, but I can?t speak PL.
Yes, you are a good player, join sometimes on our ventrilo, play on our server...
You were in on the gang RSAH Grand Theft Auto: Tournament, then leaving, why?
+1 From Me,
Good luck.
You were in on the gang RSAH Grant Theft Auto: Tournament, then leaving, why?I was in the Alps to ski, and someone from RSAH kicked me. I think it was cuz of inactivity.
Ok. So now let join and play with us.
kk I'm joining
A nikt nie lubi Wyborowej? Albo wina z Ostrowa Wlkp? Ostrovin to przecie? ogólno?wiatowa marka z presti?em. Któ? nie próbowa3 Komandosa
Good luck egoist, at this moment +1 from me.
Komandos dobry ^^
+1 from me
Tylu obcokrajowców bedzie ?e sie niez3y syf zrobi.
ale on w gangu jest kokot nastepny kokot bedzie w gangu i jest jeszcze Le1t te? kokot
Sorry, no. We have one (first) foreigner in clan, and its sufficiently for now. Too many foreigners = too many problems with comunication.
I ever don't know you. I didin't saw you on our server/ventrilo, thats why I give you -1.
Sorry, no. We have one (first) foreigner in clan, and its sufficiently for now. Too many foreigners = too many problems with comunication.I think PL language isnt so much different from Czech. I chat with Baton sometimes and I can understand about 60% of things, what he writes.
I think PL language isnt so much different from Czech. I chat with Baton sometimes and I can understand about 60% of things, what he writes.language is one thing. The other one is that, we don't know anything good and bad about you. You aren't a wellknown person for our clan. That's why we don't trust you and don't want yourself in our team. I recommend playing more on RSAH clan server and visiting on our Ventrilo. That's how it works with PL players too. ( some of them )
It isn't problem. I'll visit your server if I see that somebody is there
good luck
Thank you.
btw I haven't seen anybody at the RSAH server last days.
Sorry Egoist, I think Greyfox (foreigner) was an exception one in our clan. We don't want to accept more for a lot time.
Also, we have enough players in clan now. Recruitment is closed.